23岁的肯德拉·基兰(Kendra Keelan)最近完成了她的毕业论文,成为信誉最好的网投十大平台首批获得 Rosemary and Stan Marcuss ’63 Fellowship for Research in Urban Studies. 她的研究项目侧重于信誉最好的网投十大平台和其他九所小型学院的学术和机构社区参与, selective higher education liberal arts institutions.

The Marcuss Fellowship awards two Trinity students stipends of $4,在他们大三结束的时候,每个人都可以获得1000美元的资金来进行研究,作为他们大四荣誉论文的一部分. Though students do not have to be urban studies majors, 他们提出的研究必须有明确的城市重点,并展示学生在城市研究方面的专业知识. The other recipient of the 2022-23 Marcuss Fellowship is Julius Benthin ’23, who studied the HafenCity development in Hamburg, Germany.

Kendra Keelan ’23 Marcuss Fellowship
Kendra Keelan ’23

Keelan, a double-major in political science and urban studies from Sudbury, Massachusetts, 她说,她对政治学和国际关系的学术兴趣源于她的家庭和她的高中教育. With the support of her academic adviser, Paul E. 城市国际研究特聘教授,城市与全球研究中心主任 Garth A. Myers, Keelan developed her interest in urban studies through the Cities Program Gateway and Center for Urban and Global Studies programs. Keelan说:“城市项目门户是我选择城市研究专业的原因. Professor Myers knew I had a passion for political science, so we forged this path through academic courses offered here, affording me the opportunity to do the double major.”

Through the fellowship, Keelan研究了信誉最好的网投十大平台和其他高等教育机构的社区参与倡议及其对社区合作伙伴和居民的影响. “My personal goal of this research was to educate myself on where I go to school, and I’ve always been interested in community engagement,” Keelan said. “政治学和城市研究的很大一部分是城市本身和对社会的理解, political, and economic networks and patterns that come with cities. I wanted to understand Trinity’s impact in all of that.”

Keelan的研究确定了城市环境中的九所学院,它们分享了信誉最好的网投十大平台对社区参与学习的承诺. She analyzed their programs and spoke with 14 institutional representatives, identifying similar opportunities and challenges. 其中一个主题是在高等教育社区参与中考虑邻居声音的重要性. To hear from neighbors, Keelan analyzed 13 interviews that the Center for Hartford Engagement and Research (CHER) conducted in 2021 with neighborhood leaders from the areas surrounding Trinity.

通过CHER访谈研究社区居民对Trinity的体验, Keelan made connections to Trinity’s partnership with the Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance (SINA). Keelan said, “I conducted a joint interview with two SINA representatives in March, asking them the same questions that the neighbors were asked in 2021, including questions about their perceptions of Trinity, how they see neighbors interacting with Trinity, and what can be improved.”

Kendra Keelan ’23 Marcuss Fellowship
Gabby Nelson, assistant director of urban engaged learning; Garth A. Myers, Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Urban International Studies and director of the Center for Urban and Global Studies; Stan Marcuss ’63; Kendra Keelan ’23; Rosemary Marcuss; and Abigail Fisher Williamson, 她是政治学、公共政策和法律副教授,也是CHER的主任,她参加了Keelan在2023年春季关于她的研究的演讲.

Keelan说,她研究的主要发现可以帮助信誉最好的网投十大平台与哈特福德社区发展关系. Her research also relates to the insights of Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of American Studies Davarian L. Baldwin, author of In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities are Plundering our Cities, with whom she took a class in the fall 2022 semester. “Across the higher education community engagement landscape, there’s a disconnect between the community engagement office, which is academic community engagement, and institutional community engagement, in which institutions wield power in cities through undertaking hiring, real estate development, and policing,” Keelan said. “Remedying this divide could benefit community engagement practices.”

研究成果包括Keelan对城市环境中的高等教育机构的建议, as well as for Trinity’s institutional community engagement. “我希望信誉最好的网投十大平台能够从这项研究带来的研究和政策建议中吸取教训,并因为奖学金而发表,” Keelan said. “Trinity can bridge the disconnection between Trinity as a policing force, employer, 以及房地产利益相关者,并将倾听社区的价值观与CHER和社区学习课程所做的工作结合起来.”

基兰补充说,她的研究结果可以支持信誉最好的网投十大平台的社区项目. “我这项研究的目的是告诉那些教学人员,并将社区学习经验或组成部分纳入他们的课程. 了解社区伙伴和邻居之间的差异并采取行动,对机构和城市居民都是有益的,” Keelan said. “Trinity, as an institution, knows these community courses are vital. 学生和教师正在学习什么,以及他们如何与社区合作伙伴和邻居互动,这对一个城市的机构应该如何运作以及它们所拥有的权力至关重要.”

Keelan’s thesis adviser, 政治学与公共政策与法律副教授,CHER主任 Abigail Fisher Williamson, 帮助扩展了Keelan最初提出的信誉最好的网投十大平台和伍斯特圣十字学院之间的案例研究, Massachusetts, to her broader list of higher education institutions. Williamson said, 她的发现为高等教育社区参与领域提供了经验, and for Trinity specifically, 认识到让邻居了解情况和建立桥梁的重要性,以确保参与欢迎邻居到校园并产生互惠互利.”

Kendra Keelan ’23 Marcuss FellowshipIn the fall 2022 semester, Williamson’s “Research and Evaluation” course prepared Keelan for the fellowship. Keelan said, “In tandem with our thesis meetings, her class formulated this whole strategy for how I completed the thesis. That was incredible, 能够在撰写论文的过程中有实际的研究经验. Professor Williamson’s feedback, knowledge, 在信誉最好的网投十大平台的关系以及获取资源的能力都是惊人的.”

作为CHER的主任,威廉姆森分享了马库斯奖学金对信誉最好的网投十大平台的影响. CHER的2020-2021年评估发现,哈特福德社区合作伙伴重视信誉最好的网投十大平台学生和教师在该市进行的研究, but want to see projects extend beyond the semester timeframe, 这样它们就能结出果实,更一致地与公众分享,” Williamson said. “通过为学生和教师提供资金,并优先考虑共同出版产品的想法, the Marcuss Fellowship has the potential to spur additional, rigorous research on Hartford that can inform local thinking and policymaking.”

With her senior thesis complete, Keelan reflected back on her time at Trinity. “This thesis and cumulative project have bookended my experience at Trinity. 我可以看到我是如何在信誉最好的网投十大平台开辟这条道路的,以及它是如何对我来说是正确的地方和学校的,因为它引导我追求政治学和城市研究, join Chapel Singers and a sorority, and take advantage of different aspects of campus,” she said.

After Trinity, Keelan计划今年夏天在联邦调查局波士顿办事处工作,并在社区参与中确立自己的角色.

“My career goals are helping people and listening to all sides of the story, uplifting people’s goals and serving something bigger than myself,” Keelan said. “This thesis, 试图评估高等教育机构是否提升了邻居的愿景和目标, directly serves my bigger purpose of wanting a career in public service.”

Learn more about Rosemary and Stan Marcuss ’63 here

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